Wireshark certified network analyst certification
Wireshark certified network analyst certification

wireshark certified network analyst certification wireshark certified network analyst certification

In larger enterprises, there is an army of HR people who screen candidates based solely on key words. But experience with certification is better! Also, if it can you past the HR gatekeepers, it may be worth it. To me, experience always trumps certification. The only one that I really studied for and was proud of was my CCIE.

wireshark certified network analyst certification

I got them because it helped my reseller and not necessarily because it helped me. I have just about all the certifications that exist in TI (CCIE, Novell, Microsoft, Sniffer, and even CNX). However, if I have two equal candidates (equal in presentation skills etc.) I choose the one with more certification. As a hiring manager, I can tell you that I always hire the person with more experience.

Wireshark certified network analyst certification